Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tribute by Rev.Dr.Augustine Peters

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord from the bottom of my heart for enabling the Madras Pentecostal Assembly to complete 75 years of fruitful ministry for the Lord.

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.”

And so MPA ministries have received yet another year from His loving hands. Praise the Lord!

“Whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”

The Lord has truly honored the humble beginning of this ministry and hath glorified it, which is now grown into a multifaceted ministry.

I praise God for the untiring and tremendous work MPA has been doing since 1934, through joyful and indeed tumultuous circumstances.

My prayer is that God’s power would manifest continuously in this ministry and that this power would help them to work with much fervor and zeal to attempt greater things for God, and achieve greater things in His vineyard.

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen and called the name of it EBENEZER, saying: Hitherto hath the Lord blessed us.”

I believe that He, who hitherto was faithful will continue to be so-because the ministry is HIS.

On this glorious occasion, as MPA reaches a milestone in the annals of church history, let us rejoice in the Lord for his wonderful acts of mercies in the ministries of MPA. So let us say together, “Lord, we thank you so much-GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS TOWARDS US”

My Memories of Pastor John Vasu

I have known Late Rev.John Vasu in the 1930’s during when I was a small boy. He was a great spiritual adviser to me when I was a teenager. I remember Late Rev.John Vasu and Late Rev.Jacob traveling in bullock cart preaching the gospel in remote areas. I had the privilege of traveling with them a couple of times.

Both of them were a great source of inspiration and encouragement to me spiritually. They spent time with me teaching the Word of God, praying together, and I was spiritually nourished in the Word of God.

I was deeply influenced and inspired by their work for the Lord. I was truly blessed through them. The influence and impact is so deep and remarkable that even after 7 decades the memories with them still remain afresh. I praise and thank God for servants of God like these who touched my life and have touched the lives of many through HIS word.

As Dr.Stanley Vasu continues the ministry left behind by his father and grandfather, may the Lord anoint him with the double portion of HIS spirit like Elisha. May the Lord bless him and make HIS face shine upon HIS servant and be with him in all his endeavors. May the Lord grant HIS grace and strength to fulfill the “GREAT COMMISSION”. HALLELUIAH!

Dr.Augustine.N. Peters

Emmanuel church, Virugambakkam.

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